There is an issue affecting Stability Pools (“Earn”). Please read this announcement
Frontends V2
Liquity does not run its own Frontend. To use the protocol, chose one of the independent frontends below. DYOR!
DeFi Saver
"DeFi Saver is an all-in-one dashboard for creating, managing, and tracking DeFi positions across multiple protocols with unique automation options. DeFi Saver provides advanced automated liquidation protection strategies for Liquity Troves."
"We run a trustworthy, reliable and globally distributed frontend for Liquity. We're experienced builders and operators in the web3 ecosystem with a strong community of users and customers that trust us to look after them."
"Untampered Frontend to Liquity V1 and V2 protocols, hosted on a secure German server."
"A globally available & high-performance frontend for Liquity V2. Maintained with love by community members committed to protocol security & user sovereignty."
Frontends Q&A
Learn how frontends work.
Why doesn't Liquity offer its own frontend?
How to choose a frontend?
Are the frontends vetted by Liquity?
The list of Frontend Operators is provided for informational purposes only. Neither is the list conclusive, nor has Liquity AG conducted any due diligence on these operators. Accordingly, Liquity AG does not make any statement regarding technical functionality and/or the trustworthiness of the Frontend Operators listed below. Descriptions are provided by the Frontend Operators.